New communication and automation technologies help society to become smarter and more sustainable but there has been evidence that the electromagnetic interference they create can possibly cause deadly accidents. Little is known on how to avoid or control this electromagnetic interference propagating within modern complex systems therefore the training of researchers in these electromagnetic effects and mitigations is required. The EU-funded doctoral network, led by Prof. Frank Leferink in collaboration with Dr. Robert Vogt from the Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) will support 10 individual research projects to develop a Network for Evaluation of Propagation and Interference Training (NEPIT).
Managing Electromagnetic Interference in a Tech-Driven World
The widespread use of modern communication systems, the higher penetration of automated systems (e.g. autonomous driving, surgery, high-tech machines, and agriculture), the higher complexity present in large systems and infrastructures, and the higher dependence of modern society on technology, create an urgent need to recruit and train researchers in electromagnetic effects. The field of electromagnetic compatibility is often understood as the control of electromagnetic interference. Most people recognize the buzzing sound the radio makes when an SMS or a call arrives on those early mobile phones. This issue seems to be solved but lots of other, oftentimes worse interference problems are still present around us and affect safety and functionality of our electronic environment.
Therefore the NEPIT project, coordinated by Prof. Frank Leferink, brings together world-leading experts from Enschede, Magdeburg, Wrocław, Ancona, Dresden and Eindhoven to create a training Network of highly skilled engineers through an integrated doctoral training program based on research in Evaluation of Propagation and Interference that underpins all future technological developments. Specific innovations expected to be achieved are novel test methodologies and modelling strategies that will allow for greater accuracy in predicting and controlling electromagnetic effects in complex systems.
An essential prerequisite for such an ambitious goal is to overcome the significant interdisciplinary barriers – between deterministic and statistical approaches, between the disciplines of EMC and EM propagation, between the techniques used in wireless communication system analysis and electromagnetic interference studies, instrumentation, engineering, modelling and scientific computing – as well as the inter-sector barriers.
NEPIT Objectives
Our scientific objectives are to develop novel methods to model, simulate, design, evaluate, implement, measure and monitor using cost-effective, reliable, and efficient methodologies (including design guidelines) in the field of EM propagation and interference, with a particular focus on electrically large (w.r.t. wavelength) and complex systems.
Our societal objectives are the implementation of the newly developed and acquired knowledge into standards and validated methods by close collaboration with industry via secondments, training schools and case studies, and thus actually contribute to the Horizon Europe ambition.
NEPIT is funded by Horizon Europe (HORIZON) through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Training & Mobility Actions (TMA) in the form of a Doctoral Networks (DN) which will host 10 doctoral candidates across Europe and beyond. The inter/multi-disciplinary characteristics is guaranteed by the presence of five academic beneficiaries (University of Twente, Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg, Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Università Politecnica delle Marche Eindhoven University of Technology) and one industrial beneficiary (Lumiloop, spin-off company from the Technical University of Dresden) located in four countries (the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Italy) which possess top class expertise in electromagnetic interference, electronic control, wireless systems, antennas, and propagation.
Furthermore, the inter-sectoral characteristic is guaranteed by the support of a series of industrial entities: ten Industrial partner organisations from five European countries (The Netherlands, Germany, Czechia, Italy and Poland) and even one Industrial partner from Japan. Having Philips Healthcare, Rohde&Schwarz, EVEKTOR, THALES, Telecom Italia, metraTec, National Aerospace Laboratory, Canon Production Printing, Poznanski Instytut Technologiczny, Fokker, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, etc., forms a fully interrelated, integrated, and international consortium.
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