Project DetailsNewsLaunching NEPIT Officially!
Reverberation Chamber
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Launching NEPIT Officially!

We are delighted to announce the official start for DN NEPIT! 🚀

🌐 What is DN NEPIT? DN NEPIT stands for Network for Evaluation of Propagation and Interference Training. This ambitious project brings together 10 talented PhD researchers to investigate electromagnetic interference, wireless systems, and antennas. Our goal? To enhance our understanding of propagation and interference using Reverberation Chambers for novel test methodologies, novel modelling strategies, suitable simulation techniques and greater accuracy in EM prediction.

📅 Start Date: March 1, 2024 => #Today, on March 1, 2024, we officially kick off! 🎉

🌍 International Collaboration DN NEPIT is funded by Horizon Europe through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (#MSCA). Our consortium comprises five academic partners (University of Twente, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Univpm, and Eindhoven University of Technology) and one industrial partner LUMILOOP GmbH. We collaborate across the Netherlands, Germany, Poland, and Italy.

🔍 Learn More Curious about NEPIT and our research objectives? Visit our website: .

👍 Help Us Spread the Word! We invite all of you to share, like, and comment on our announcement. Let’s amplify the impact of NEPIT together! 🌟

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#MarieSkłodowskaCurieActions #teambuilding #research #experience #growth #learning #networking #management #opportunity #development

Thanks European Research Executive Agency (REA) for funding DN NEPIT. This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101119806.