Team at Otto-von- Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (OVGU)
Team of the Power Electronic & Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group at PUniversity of Twente - 2021


DC10 - Effectiveness of shielding covers in reverberant environments (WP6)

Why DC10?

Embark on groundbreaking research exploring the effectiveness of shielding covers in dynamic, echo-filled, reverberant environments. Join us at the forefront of innovation, unraveling the secrets to optimal shielding effectiveness measurement and solutions. Be part of a team committed to pioneering discoveries that redefine EMC standards worldwide.

Host institution


Why TU/e

Welcome to the innovation hub where knowledge transforms into action—Eindhoven University of Technology. Join a vibrant academic community fostering groundbreaking research and entrepreneurial spirit. Benefit from our world-class facilities, interdisciplinary collaborations, and a culture that thrives on turning ideas into real-world solutions. At TU/e, seize the opportunity to shape tomorrow's technologies, drive sustainable innovations, and be part of a global network of pioneers shaping the future.


The Netherlands


dr. Serra (TU/e)


Prof. Leferink (UT), mentor: Rob Kleihorst (PHC)


To model, simulate and evaluate the effect of shielding covers and the discontinuities with a focus on actual situations where other parameters like corrosion, stiffness, and reliability are dominant factor. Development of the Dual RC technique for validation measurements and have this embedded in world-wide standards for evaluation of shielding covers and compartments.

Expected Results

Novel model and test methods for complex shielding covers, which can be used by design engineers in various industries (medical, automotive, aerospace etc.).


DC10 trained performing complex shielding analysis

PhD enrolment


Planned secondments

2M@OVGU (Magdowski): Learn about coupling mechanisms (M20)


2M@PHC (Kleihorst): apply the techniques around actual systems, and large complex system evaluation (M26)

Candidate profile

A solid and demostrable background of academic excellence in electrical engineering, physics or related field. Ability to think creatively with an inclination to problem-solving approaches and developing novel solutions. You have a passion for engineering, research and innovation. You are a true team player and can adapt to changing research needs or unforeseen challenges.

Desirable skills and interests

Previous experience with electromagnetic measurements and experiments would be highly beneficial. Proficiency with specialized software (MatLab, Mathematica, CST, etc.) is an asset. Your communication skills are excellent: either for presentations and public dissertations or for interpersonal communication.