Team at Otto-von- Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (OVGU)
Team of the Power Electronic & Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group at PUniversity of Twente - 2021


DC09 - Emulation of multi-propagation paths using reverberation chambers (WP5)

Why DC09?

Sounds strange, but there are still several secrets that need to be unraveled in the topic of multi-propagation paths in real, complex electromagnetic environments and we think that reverberation chambers are one key to unlock them. Join us in pioneering research that emulates complex signal behaviors, using the full potential of reverberation chambers to simulate diverse real-world environments. This position offers a unique chance to delve into cutting-edge emulation techniques, shaping the future of EMC measurements, wireless communication, IoT, and beyond. Do not miss the opportunity to become part of a team dedicated to redefining how we test and innovate in the dynamic realm of mulit-propagation paths research using reverberation chambers.

Host institution


Why TU/E

Welcome to the innovation hub where knowledge transforms into action—Eindhoven University of Technology. Join a vibrant academic community fostering groundbreaking research and entrepreneurial spirit. Benefit from our world-class facilities, interdisciplinary collaborations, and a culture that thrives on turning ideas into real-world solutions. At TU/e, seize the opportunity to shape tomorrow's technologies, drive sustainable innovations, and be part of a global network of pioneers shaping the future.


The Netherlands


dr. Serra (TU/e)


Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR) (WP5 leader), mentor: Wim Ophelders (Canon)


Development and validation of a richer set of probability density functions able to describe and model the statistical behaviour of field propagation in semi-enclosed environments. Solve the inverse problem of emulation of realistic environments in the lab, using pertinent techniques related to reverberation chambers.

Expected Results

Enrich the family of models for semi-reverberant environments with a bivariate statistical approach and with model- based variations of the principle of maximum entropy. Models applied to real-life environments and emulate them in the laboratory.


DC09 trained in multi-propagation paths

PhD enrolment


Planned secondments

2M@Canon (Ophelders): experiments with various absorber materials (M18)


2M@UNIVPM (Primiani): training in numerical methods for EMC (M20)

Candidate profile

A solid and demostrable background of academic excellence in electrical engineering, physics or related field. Ability to think creatively with an inclination to problem-solving approaches and developing novel solutions. You have a passion for engineering, research and innovation. You are a true team player and can adapt to changing research needs or unforeseen challenges.

Desirable skills and interests

Previous experience with electromagnetic measurements and experiments would be highly beneficial. Proficiency with specialized software (MatLab, Mathematica, CST, etc.) is an asset. Your communication skills are excellent: either for presentations and public dissertations or for interpersonal communication.