Team at Otto-von- Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (OVGU)
Team of the Power Electronic & Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group at PUniversity of Twente - 2021


DC05 - Models and algorithms for human sensing and gesture recognition


Host institution





Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR)


Dr. Vogt (UT), mentor: Krzysztof Sieczkarek (PIT)


Define parameters and location reflectors and absorbers in order to create propagation environment with characteristics as found in real semi-enclosed environments via simulation and measurements (decay time, insertion loss). It will be realized by adding absorbers and reflectors for anechoic chamber as well as locating mobile RC (also partially lined by absorbers) in SAC. Some parameters of propagation environments (e,g. PDP, decay time, insertion loss) will be simulated and measured. From this research a validated model for semi-reverberant environments based on anechoic chambers as well relevant measurement techniques shall be developed.

Expected Results

Validated models and techniques to evaluate large system emission in-situ.

DC05 trained in large system EMC

PhD enrolment


Planned secondments

2M@PIT (Sieczkarek): Apply the theoretical and experimental techniques for semi-enclosed environments on an actual aircraft fuselage (M26)


2M@TU/e (Serra): Experiment with moving wall concepts, write a joint paper (M28)