Team at Otto-von- Guericke-Universitaet Magdeburg (OVGU)
Team of the Power Electronic & Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group at PUniversity of Twente - 2021


DC03 - Pulsed excitation of RCs, transient field distributions, experimental and simulative approach (WP5)

Why DC03?

The fields in reverberation chamber and its important properties for EMC tests are well know for continous-wave excitation and steady field conditions, but only partly for the transient and pulsed operation. Still many practical signal shapes (radar, mobile communication, pulsed sources, etc.) features transient changes, so we need to find models and descriptions of fields for such conditions.

Host institution



The Chair for Electromagnetic Compatibility at the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg (Germany) has a long experience in reverberation chamber research dating back to the late 1990s. We also operate a large semi-anechoich chamber and two GTEM cell, which are also used for commerical measurements, so you will find a solid infrastructure for your research work. Magdeburg is a city with 200 000 inhabitants in the heart of Germany, so it is also worth living there.




Prof. Vick (OVGU)


Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR) (WP5 leader), mentor: Jens Medler (MBT)


Development of the model to predict the average and maximum field strength amplitude and its time derivative that will act onto a certain device under test, via simulation of transient fields inside the working volume and close to the (planar) boundaries of a RC, and validation via measurements and experiment in three reverberation chambers of different size (tiny, small, large (w.r.t. wavelength))

Expected Results

Efficient field simulation methods based on plane-wave approaches or raytracing methods and the statistic distributions of field quantities of general validity for the time and frequency domain and different loading conditions.


DC03 trained in statistical field distribution in reverberant environments.

PhD enrolment


Planned secondments

2M@R&S (Medler): Application to large vehicles (M22)


2M@PWR (Joskiewicz): Application to communication systems, compare different datasets, write joint paper (M30)

Candidate profile

background in electrical enginnering or engineering mathematics, focus on electromagnetic compatibility or RF engineering

Desirable skills and interests

MATLAB/Python coding, fundamental knowledge of statistics, RF measurement techniques and devices, measurement automation, full-wave electromagnetic field solvers and numerical simulation