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Open Positions
Job alert - We still have a PhD position open at Università Politecnica delle Marche. Apply Now for DC07 Position by January 31, 2025.
The full details can be found at Università Politecnica delle Marche via apply at the utwentecareer website with specific selection of DC07 as first choise.
- DC07 - Comparison of conventional and novel test methods for reverberation chambers (UNIVPM-WP5)
Comparison of conventional and novel test methods for reverberation chambers (WP5)
Host institution
Prof. Mariani Primiani (UNIVPM)
dr. Magdowski (OVGU), mentor: Davide Micheli (TIM)
Expected Results
Integration of WP7 results. Numerical tools for the analysis of electrically large complex structures also including statistical analysis modules.
DC07 trained in electromagnetic numerical simulations on High Performance Computers.
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@TIM (Micheli) perform measurements of insertion loss in real semi-open enclosures representing airframe structures (M18)
2M@OVGU (Magdowski): perform experiments for PDP, TDS, K-factor in loaded RC, write a joint paper (M20)
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Positions Filled
- DC01 - Effective aperture of openings of systems in reverberant environments (UT-WP6)
Effective aperture of openings of systems in reverberant environments (WP6)
Host institution
The Netherlands
Prof. Leferink (UT)
Dr. Serra (TU/e) (WP6 leader), mentor: Kees Nuyten (Fokker)
Develop validated models to predict EM coupling into and out of (random) apertures (and random wires) using Monte-Carlo deterministic and statistical techniques for EM waves. Validation via comparison to known antennas and canonical structures and measurements. Key application to airplane structures and automotive windows and openings, but model shall be general for any complex, electrically large (w.r.t. wavelength) apertures.
Expected Results
Increased knowledge (disseminated), and widely accepted models to be used by industry to estimate the risk of EMI, which can be embedded in current EM tools as applied within industry.
DC01 trained in random EM coupling into/out of complex systems
PhD enrolment
Twente Graduate School
Planned secondments
2M@Fokker (Supervisor: Nuyten): Comparison on new models with existing data for aeroplane structures (M22)
2M@OVGU (Magdowski): Benchmark with OVGU methods, mostly dedicated to wiring (Babinet’s principle) and write joint paper (M28)
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Candidate Selected
- DC02 - Closed-loop testing for faster and better EM evaluation of complex high-tech systems (UT-WP7)
Closed-loop testing for faster and better EM evaluation of complex high-tech systems (WP7)
Host institution
The Netherlands
Prof. Leferink (UT)
Prof. Primiani (UNIVPM) (WP7 leader), mentor: Jacco Verpoorte (NLR)
Develop a world-wide accepted new standard for testing large systems in RC, by comparing the newest fast EM sensor systems, comparing performance with antennas, evaluate different algorithms for EM field strength data, investigating the minimal needed sensors (up to nine), and controlling the equipment using in-line measured data (closed-loop).
Expected Results
New standard for automotive testing using RC, including VIRC. Update of IEC 61000-4-21 for large system testing.
DC02 trained in large complex system EMI evaluation
PhD enrolment
Twente Graduate School
Planned secondments
2M@NLR (Verpoorte): Learn from actual test cases (M22)
2M@UNIVPM (Primiani): Compare results with simulations at UNIVPM and write a joint paper (M28)
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Candidate Selected
- DC03 - Pulsed excitation of RCs, transient field distributions, experimental and simulative approach (OVGU-WP5)
Pulsed excitation of RCs, transient field distributions, experimental and simulative approach (WP5)
Host institution
Prof. Vick (OVGU)
Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR) (WP5 leader), mentor: Jens Medler (MBT)
Development of the model to predict the average and maximum field strength amplitude and its time derivative that will act onto a certain device under test, via simulation of transient fields inside the working volume and close to the (planar) boundaries of a RC, and validation via measurements and experiment in three reverberation chambers of different size (tiny, small, large (w.r.t. wavelength))
Expected Results
Efficient field simulation methods based on plane-wave approaches or raytracing methods and the statistic distributions of field quantities of general validity for the time and frequency domain and different loading conditions.
DC03 trained in statistical field distribution in reverberant environments.
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@R&S (Medler): Application to large vehicles (M22)
2M@PWR (Joskiewicz): Application to communication systems, compare different datasets, write joint paper (M30)
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Candidate Selected
- DC04 - Coupling of stochastic fields into cables with non-linear loads, tests of medical equipment (OVGU-WP6)
Coupling of stochastic fields into cables with non-linear loads, tests of medical equipment (WP6)
Host institution
Dr.-Ing. Magdowski (OVGU)
Dr. Serra (TU/e) (WP6 leader), mentor: Tobias Meyer (metraTec)
Experimental results for stochastic EM field coupling to a non-linearly loaded single-wire transmission line above a ground plane, to a non-linearly loaded double-wire transmission line inside the working volume, to a non-linearly loaded transmission line network of single-wire lines above a ground plane, to a non-linearly loaded transmission line network of double-wire lines inside the working volume and to non-linearly loaded multi-conductor transmission lines above a ground plane as well as inside the working volume. Evaluation of EM of RF-shielded MRI enclosures w.r.t. RC. Conversion factors and validation methods for the use of RCs in order to analyse the influence of interventional medical equipment onto the imaging quality and signal-to-noise ratio of MRI scanners
Expected Results
Deeper insight and available prognosis of the induced currents and voltages into non-linear loads of transmission lines excited by stochastic fields. Cost-efficient measurement methods for medical equipment to be used inside MRI scanners.
DC04 trained in: measurement automation, EMC and MRI standard, use of medical equipment in clinical applications
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@metraTec(Meyer): Evaluation of EM of RF-shielded MRI enclosures w.r.t. RC (M18)
2M@TU/e (Serra): Using moving wall RC for experiments (M22)
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Candidate Selected
- DC05 - Modelling and simulating a semi-reverberant environment from anechoic chamber by adding reflectors (PWR-WP5)
Modelling and simulating a semi-reverberant environment from anechoic chamber by adding reflectors (WP5)
Host institution
Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR)
Dr. Vogt (UT), mentor: Krzysztof Sieczkarek(PIT)
Define parameters and location reflectors and absorbers in order to create propagation environment with characteristics as found in real semi-enclosed environments via simulation and measurements (decay time, insertion loss). It will be realized by adding absorbers and reflectors for anechoic chamber as well as locating mobile RC (also partially lined by absorbers) in SAC. Some parameters of propagation environments (e,g. PDP, decay time, insertion loss) will be simulated and measured. From this research a validated model for semi-reverberant environments based on anechoic chambers as well relevant measurement techniques shall be developed.
Expected Results
Validated models and techniques to evaluate large system emission in-situ.
DC05 trained in large system EMC
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@PIT (Sieczkarek): Apply the theoretical and experimental techniques for semi-enclosed environments on an actual aircraft fuselage (M26)
2M@TU/e (Serra): Experiment with moving wall concepts, write a joint paper (M28)
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Candidate Selected
- DC06 - Effects of losses on the field distribution and propagation in complex semi-enclosed environments (UNIVPM-WP7)
Effects of losses on the field distribution and propagation in complex semi-enclosed environments (WP7)
Host institution
Prof. Moglie (UNIVPM)
Prof. Leferink (UT), mentor: Řezníček Zdeněk (EVK)
Analysis of the induced disturbances on cabling exposed to random and quasi-random (lossy environment) electromagnetic field. Statistical analysis of the induced voltage and comparison with equivalent exposure in traditional anechoic chambers. Assessment of the margin factor.
Expected Results
Integration with WP5 results. Numerical tools for the analysis and comparison of radiated immunity tests.
DC06 trained in radiated immunity tests including simulations.
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@EVL (Zdeněk): learn about actual systems and current techniques (M14)
2M@UT (Leferink): measurements in various RC and anechoic chambers on the radiated coupling with cables, write a joint paper (M22)
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Candidate Selected
- DC08 - Fast extremely wideband multi-sensors systems for closed-loop testing (LL-WP7)
Fast extremely wideband multi-sensors systems for closed-loop testing (WP7)
Host institution
Eike Suthau (LL)
Prof. Vick (OVGU: Doctoral School), mentor: Prof. Primiani (UNIVPM (WP7)), Schipper (THALES)
Development of 3D EM field strength sensors upto 18 GHz and high linearity. Establish experimental verification of theoretical results for closed-loop multi-sensor systems. Development of closed-loop control methodology for multi-sensor applications
Expected Results
Timing optimization for VIRC measurements, validated a widely accepted control methodology in hardware and software.
DC08 trained in multi-sensor analysis of EMC environments
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@OVGU (Vick): training and acquire experience on EM field coupling (M12)
2M@THALES (Schipper): experiments with pulse-modulated frequency hopping and sweeping solid-state phase array radars (M20); 2M@UT (Leferink): applying multi-sensor systems for testing vehicles (M28)
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Candidate Selected
- DC09 - Emulation of multi-propagation paths using reverberation chambers (TU/e-WP5)
Emulation of multi-propagation paths using reverberation chambers (WP5)
Host institution
The Netherlands
dr. Serra (TU/e)
Prof. Joskiewicz (PWR) (WP5 leader), mentor: Wim Ophelders (Canon)
Development and validation of a richer set of probability density functions able to describe and model the statistical behaviour of field propagation in semi-enclosed environments. Solve the inverse problem of emulation of realistic environments in the lab, using pertinent techniques related to reverberation chambers.
Expected Results
Enrich the family of models for semi-reverberant environments with a bivariate statistical approach and with model- based variations of the principle of maximum entropy. Models applied to real-life environments and emulate them in the laboratory.
DC09 trained in multi-propagation paths
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@Canon (Ophelders): experiments with various absorber materials (M18)
2M@UNIVPM (Primiani): training in numerical methods for EMC (M20)
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Candidate Selected
- DC10 - Effectiveness of shielding covers in reverberant environments (TU/e-WP6)
Effectiveness of shielding covers in reverberant environments (WP6)
Host institution
The Netherlands
dr. Serra (TU/e)
Prof. Leferink (UT), mentor: Rob Kleihorst (PHC)
To model, simulate and evaluate the effect of shielding covers and the discontinuities with a focus on actual situations where other parameters like corrosion, stiffness, and reliability are dominant factor. Development of the Dual RC technique for validation measurements and have this embedded in world-wide standards for evaluation of shielding covers and compartments.
Expected Results
Novel model and test methods for complex shielding covers, which can be used by design engineers in various industries (medical, automotive, aerospace etc.).
DC10 trained performing complex shielding analysis
PhD enrolment
Planned secondments
2M@OVGU (Magdowski): Learn about coupling mechanisms (M20)
2M@PHC (Kleihorst): apply the techniques around actual systems, and large complex system evaluation (M26)
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Candidate Selected
Field of Research and Keywords
Electrical and electronic engineering: semiconductors, components, Electronics, photonics, Transport engineering, intelligent transport systems, Wireless communications, communication, high frequency, mobile telephony interference, transport systems, complex systems, interference transport systems complex systems.
Extra information from Publications Office of the European Union
Check the details of the information package for Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows from the European Commission (doi: 10.2848/894321)
Check the details of the information note for Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellows from the European Commission (doi: 10.2848/235149)
This project has received funding from the European Union under Grant Agreement No 101119806. |
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.”
A Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Training & Mobility Actions (TMA) Doctoral Network (DN) within the Horizon Europe Programme of the European Commission.